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In this sample pack you get 1 of each of our USDA organic to food standards dog shampoos and save!

Normally $5.25 each, you only pay $17 for all 4 in this sample pack! 

What are you waiting for?  Give our safe and non-toxic dog shampoo a try! 

Unscented Hypoallergenic Dog Shampoo with Aloe Certified to USDA Organic Food Standards:  Saponified organic oils of coconut, olive, and jojoba, organic aloe vera, and rosemary extract

Organic Oatmeal Dog Shampoo with Lavender and Aloe Certified to USDA Organic Food Standards: Saponified organic oils of coconut, olive, and jojoba, organic aloe vera, organic oatmeal glycerite, lavender essential oil, and rosemary extract

Lemongrass and Aloe Hypoallergenic Certified to Organic Food Standards Dog Shampoo: Saponified organic oils of coconut, olive, and jojoba, natural essential oil blend of rosemary and lemongrass, organic aloe vera, and rosemary extract

Cedar, Peppermint & Eucalyptus Conditioning Dog Shampoo USDA Certified to Organic Food Standards: Saponified Organic Coconut, Olive, and Jojoba Oils, Vegetable Glycerine, Cedarwood Essential Oil, Organic Guar Gum, Peppermint Essential Oil, Rosemary Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Rosemary Extract, Organic Aloe Vera

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