You are Welcome and Wanted

Spooky Pups is dedicated to creating an inclusive and accessible website.

If you are using assistive technologies (screen reader, a magnifier, voice recognition software, captions for videos, etc), we want your time spent on this website to be meaningful and productive. 

These Values in Action

If there is more that can be done to improve accessibility and enhance your user experience, please reach out to us at with the phrase ‘Accessibility’ in the subject.

Your feedback on accessibility is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. We will take action based on your request.

Continuous Improvement 

We are proud to place accessibility at the forefront of our website design, and view these efforts as ongoing. Your support in these efforts is critical to our ability to succeed in making this website a safe and positive experience for you and new visitors.

Accessibility Assistance

If you have difficulty accessing or using any part of this website or any tool presented on this site, please call us at (206) 612-3564 or email us at We will work with you to provide the information that you seek through a communication method that is accessible for you and consistent with applicable law.